As cars become more fuel-efficient, the government is looking to replace the gas tax with a mileage tax—with no guarantee the new money collected would even go toward transportation projects.
Sound Transit — which is not accountable to the people — misled voters with a massive tax proposal for a project that is now delayed and over budget.
The politicians in Olympia are simply not providing enough oversight for how the government uses tax dollars on transportation and transit projects. Parents are losing valuable time with their children due to congestion. Businesses are losing out on additional projects and paying employees to sit in traffic.
As your representative, I will:
- Prioritize congestion relief. I want to ensure you can spend more time with your families and businesses aren’t losing untold sums sitting in traffic.
- Push to ensure Sound Transit is held accountable. Voters should directly elect the Sound Transit board to ensure they are responsive to the public, fiscally responsible, and deliver the projects they promise.
- Ensure taxes collected are spent on safety improvements and congestion relief. Any taxes collected for transportation projects should be spent improving safety or reducing congestion. We give WSDOT too much money not to see results.